3. Using flow builder

This tutorial will show how to properly use flow builder to process messages and events generated by devices.


  • Who is this for: entry-level users

  • Level: basic

  • Reading time: 20 min

Table of Contents

3.1. Dojot nodes

3.1.1. Device Event in


This node specifies that messages received from or sent to a particular device. The message created by this node is somewhat different than the one created by DeviceIn node.

To configure the device in node, a window like Fig. 3.1 will be displayed.


Fig. 3.1 : Device in configuration window


  • Name (optional): Name of the node

  • Device (required): The dojot device that will trigger the flow

  • Events (required): Select which events will trigger this flow. The Actuation option will select actuation messages (those sent to the device) and Publication will select all messages published by the device.

Messages examples generated by this node:

For a `Publication` event:

    "data": {
        "attrs": {
            "temperature": 10,
            "static_example": "static_example_value"
    "metadata": {
    "event": "publish"

For a `Actuation` event:

    "data": {
        "attrs": {
            "temperature": 10,
            "static_example": "static_example_value"
    "metadata": {
    "event": "configure"


In the Publication and Actuation events the static attributes will also always be a key in json inside the data.attrs key with its respective label and value

This structure can be referenced in nodes like Template and others such as:

Sample message {{payload.data.attrs.temperature}}


If the the device that triggers a flow is removed, the flow won’t work anymore.

3.1.2. Device template event in


This node will specifies that messages from devices composed by a particular template will trigger this flow. For instance, if the device template set in this node is template A, all devices that are composed with template A will trigger the flow. For example: device1 is composed by templates [A,B], device2 by template A and device3 by template B. Then, in that scenario, only messages from device1 and device2 will initiate the flow, because template A is one of the templates that compose those devices.

To better understand the JSON within the data key for the Creation, Update, Removal events see the device-manager documentation.


In the Publication and Actuation events the static attributes will also always be a key in json inside the data.attrs key with its respective label and value


Fig. 3.2 : Device template in configuration window


  • Name (optional): Name of the node.

  • Device (required): The dojot device that will trigger the flow.

  • Events (required): Select which event will trigger this flow. Creation, Update, Removal are related to device management operations. Actuation will trigger this flow in case of sending actuation messages to the device and Publication will trigger this flow whenever a device publishes a message to dojot.

Messages examples generated by this node:

For a `Publication` event:

    "data": {
        "attrs": {
            "temperature": 10,
            "static_example": "static_example_value"
    "metadata": {
    "event": "publish"

For a `Actuation` event:

    "data": {
        "attrs": {
            "temperature": 10,
            "static_example": "static_example_value"
    "metadata": {
    "event": "configure"

For a `Creation` event (creating a device using that template):

    "data": {
        "attrs": {
            "temperature": {
    "metadata": {
    "event": "create"

For a `Update` event (Generated by changing a template or adding a template to an existing device):

    "data": {
        "attrs": {
            "temperature": {
    "metadata": {
    "event": "update"

For a `Removal` event (When removing a template from a device):

    "data": {
        "attrs": {
            "temperature": {
    "metadata": {
    "event": "remove"

This structure can be referenced in nodes like Template and others such as:

Sample message {{payload.data.attrs.temperature}}

3.1.3. Multi device out


Device out will determine which device (or devices) will have its attributes updated on dojot according to the result of the flow. Bear in mind that this node doesn’t send messages to your device, it will only update the attributes on the platform. Normally, the chosen device out is a virtual device, which is a device that exists only on dojot.


Fig. 3.3 : Device out config window


  • Name (optional): Name of the node.

  • Action (required): Which device will receive the update. Options are:
    • The device that triggered the flow: this will update the same device that sent the message which triggered this flow.

    • Specific device(s): which device(s) that will receive the update.

    • Device(s) defined during the flow: which device(s) that will receive the update. This is referenced by a list of values, just as with output values (msg.list_of_devices).

  • Device (required): Select “The device that triggered the flow” will make the device that was the entry-point be the end-point of the flow. “Specific device” any chosen device wil be the output of the flow and “a device defined during the flow” will make a device that the flow selected during the execution the endpoint.

  • Source (required): Data structure that will be mapped as message to device out

3.1.4. Multi actuate


Actuate node is, basically, the same thing of device out node. But, it can send messages to a real device, like telling a lamp to turn the light off and etc.


Fig. 3.4 : Actuate configuration


  • Name (optional): Name of the node.

  • Action (required): which device a message will be sent to. Options are:
    • The device that triggered the flow: this will send a message to the same device that sent the message which triggered this flow.

    • Specific device(s): which device(s) the message will be sent to.

    • Device(s) defined during the flow: which device(s) the message will be sent to. This is referenced by a list of values, just as with output values (msg.list_of_devices).

  • Device (required): Select “The device that triggered the flow” will make the device that was the entry-point be the end-point of the flow. “Specific device” any chosen device wil be the output of the flow and “a device defined during the flow” will make a device that the flow selected during the execution the endpoint.

  • Source (required): Data structure that will be mapped as message to device out

3.1.5. HTTP request


This node sends an http request to a given address, and, then, it can forward the response to the next node in the flow.


Fig. 3.5 : Http Request configuration


  • Method (required): The http method (GET, POST, etc…).

  • URL (required): The URL that will receive the http request

  • Request body (required): Variable that contains the request body. This value can be assigned to the variable using the template node, for example.

  • Response (required): Variable that will receive the http response.

  • Return (required): Type of the return.

  • Name (optional): Name of the node.

3.1.6. Ftp request


This node sends a file to a FTP server. When uploading a file, its name can be set by the “Filename” field in the same way as other output variables (it should refer to a variable set in the flow). The file encoding can also be set to, for example, “base64” or “utf-8”.


Fig. 3.6 : Device template in configuration window


  • Method (required): The FTP action to be taken (PUT).

  • URL (required): the FTP server

  • Authentication (required): Username and password to access this server.

  • File name (required): Variable containing the file name to be uploaded.

  • File content (required): This variable should hold the file content.

  • File encoding (required): How the file is encoded

  • Response (optinal): Variable that will receive the FTP response

  • Name (optional): Name of the node.

3.1.7. Notification


This node sends a user notification to other services in dojot. This might be useful to generate application notifications that could be consumed by a front-end application. The user can set a static message to be sent or, as other output nodes, configure a variable set in a previous node which will be resolved at runtime. Also, metadata can be added to the message: it can be a simple key-value object containing arbitrary data.


Fig. 3.7 : Device template in configuration window


  • Name (optional): Name of the node

  • Message (required): Static, if the notification should contain a static text, or dynamic, which will enable a variable to be set as output to this node. This variable will be substituted in runtime.

  • Value (required): message content (either static text or a variable reference).

  • Metadata (required): variable reference containing a simple dictionary (key-value pairs) containing the metadata to be added to the message

3.1.8. Change


Change node is used to copy or assign values to an output, i. e., copy values of a message attributes to a dictionary that will be assigned to virtual device.


Fig. 3.8 : Change configuration


  • Name (optional): Name of the node

  • msg (required): Definition of the data structure that will be sent to the next node and will receive the value set on the to field

  • to (required): Assignment or copy of values


More than one rule can be assign by clicking on +add below the rules box.

3.1.9. Switch


The Switch node allows messages to be routed to different branches of a flow by evaluating a set of rules against each message.


Fig. 3.9 : Switch configuration


  • Name (optional): Name of the node

  • Property (required): Variable that will be evaluated

  • Rule box (required): Rules that will determine the output branch of the node. Also, it can be configured to stop checking rules when it finds one that matches other or check all the rules and route the message to the corresponding output.


  • More than one rule can be assign by clicking on +add below the rules box.

  • The rules are mapped one-to-one to the output conectors. Then the first rule is related to the first output, the second rule to the second output and etc…

3.1.10. Template


Despite the name, this node has nothing to do with dojot templates


This node will assign a value to a target variable. This value can be a constant, the value of an attribute that came from the entry device and etc…

It uses the mustache template language. Check Fig. 3.10 as example: the field a of payload will be replaced with the value of the payload.b


Fig. 3.10 : Template configuration


  • Name (optional): Name of the node

  • Set Property (required): Variable that will receive the value

  • Format (required): Format template will be writen

  • Template (required): Value that will be assigned to the target variable set on Set property

  • Output as (required): The format of the output

3.1.11. Cron


Processing node to create/remove cron jobs. Cron allowing to schedule tasks to: send events to the data broker or execute a http request.


Fig. 3.11 : Cron configuration


  • Operation (required): Defines the type of processing if creating or removing cron jobs (CREATE, REMOVE).

  • CRON Time Expression (required): CRON Time Expression, eg. * * * * * *. Required when using CREATE type operation.

  • JOB Name (optional): Name of Job.

  • JOB Description (optional): Description of Job.

  • JOB Type (required): Options are EVENT REQUEST or HTTP REQUEST.

  • JOB Action (required): Variable that contains the JSON to JOB Action. This value can be assigned to the variable using the template node, for example.

  • JOB Identifier (output to) (required): Variable that will receive the JOB Identifier.

  • Name (optional): Name of the node

Example of JOB Action when JOB Type is HTTP REQUEST:

    "method": "PUT",
    "headers": {
                  "Authorization": "Bearer ${JWT}",
                  "Content-Type": "application/json"
    "url": "http://device-manager:5000/device/${DEVICE_ID}/actuate",
    "body": {
                "attrs": {"message": "keepalive"}

Example of JOB Action when JOB Type is EVENT REQUEST:

    "subject": "dojot.device-manager.device",
    "message": {
                  "event": "configure",
                  "data": { "attrs": { "message": "keepalive"},
                            "id": "6a1213"
                  "meta": { "service": "admin"}

3.1.12. Cron batch


It works like the cron node, but here you can use a batch of schedules.


Fig. 3.12 : Cron batch configuration


  • Operation (required): Defines the types of processings if creating or removing cron jobs (CREATE, REMOVE).

  • JOB requests (required): Variable that contains the array of JSONs to JOB Actions.

  • JOB identifiers (required): Variable that will receive the array of job identifiers.

  • Name (optional): Name of the node

3.1.13. Geofence


Select an interest area to determine which devices will activate the flow


Fig. 3.13 : Geofence configuration


  • Area (required): Area that will be selected. It can be chosen with an square or with a pentagon.

  • Filter (required): Which side of the area will be picked: inside or outside the marked area in the field above.

  • Name (optional): Name of the node

3.1.14. Get Context


This node is used to get a variable that is in the context and assign its value to a variable that will be used in the flow.

Note: Context is a mechanism that allows a given set of data to persist beyond the life of the event, thus making it possible to store a state for the elements of the solution.



  • Name (optional)*: Name of the node

  • Context layer (required)*: The layer of the context that que variable is at

  • Context name (required)*: The variable that is in the context

  • Context content (required)*: The variable in the flow that will receive the value of the context

3.1.15. Merge data


This node allows objects to be merged in the flow context.


Fig. 3.15 : Merge data configuration


  • Target data (JSON) (required): Variable that contains the data to be merged.

  • Merged data (JSON) (required): Variable that will receive the new data merged with your existing data.

  • Name (optional): Name of the node

3.1.16. Cumulative sum


The cumulative sum node accumulates the data for an attribute in a temporal window and keeping this in the flow context.


Fig. 3.16 : Cumulative sum configuration


  • Time period (min) (required): Time in minutes to keep the sum.

  • Target attribute (required): Variable that contains the value to be sum.

  • Timestamp (required): Variable containing the timestamp from the device or dojot. Most of the time it can be set with payload.metadata.timestamp.

  • Sum (required): Variable that will receive the sum.

  • Name (optional): Name of the node

3.1.17. Publish in FTP topic


Node to forward messages to Apache Kafka FTP topic.

It publishes to the tenant.dojot.ftp topic (tenant is defined by which tenant the flow belongs to) in which the messages are produced with informations about the file name, encoding format and file content.


Fig. 3.17 : Publish in FTP topic configuration


  • Encoding (required): The encoding that the file to be sent uses. Valid values are: ascii, base64, hex, utf16le, utf8 and binary.

  • Filename (required): Variable with the name of the file to be sent.

  • Content (required): Variable with the file contents to be sent.

  • Name (optional): Name of the node

Example of a message sent by this node:

    "metadata": {
        "msgId": "33846252-659f-42cc-8831-e2ccb923a702",
        "ts": 1571858674,
        "service": "flowbroker",
        "contentType": "application/vnd.dojot.ftp+json"
    "data": {
        "filename": "filename.jpg",
        "encoding": "base64",
        "content": "..."

Where the keys above are:

  • msgId: Value of type uuidv4 used to uniquely identify the message in dojot’s context.

  • ts: Timestamp in Unix Timestamp (ms) format from the moment the message was produced.

  • service: Name of the service that generated the message.

  • contentType: Type of encoding used by the file.

  • filename: Name of the file to be sent to the FTP server.

  • encoding: Encoding the contents of the file. Valid values are: ascii, base64, hex, utf16le, utf8 and binary.

  • content: File contents.

This can be used with the kafka2ftp component. See more in Components and APIs.

3.1.18. Deprecated nodes

These nodes are scheduled to be removed in future versions. They will work with no problems with current flows. Device in


This node determine an especific device to be the entry-point of a flow. To configure the device in node, a window like Fig. 3.18 will be displayed.


Fig. 3.18 : Device in configuration window


  • Name (optional): Name of the node

  • Device (required): The dojot device that will trigger the flow

  • Status (required): exclude device status changes will not use device status changes (online, offline) to trigger the flow. On the other hand, include devices status changes will use these status to trigger the flow.


If the the device that triggers a flow is removed, the flow becomes invalid. Device template in


This node will make that a flow get triggered by devices that are composed by a certain template. If the device template that is configured in device template in node is template A, all devices that are composed with template A will trigger the flow. For example: device1 is composed by templates [A,B], device2 by template A and device3 by template B. Then, in that scenario, only messages from device1 and device2 will initiate the flow, because template A is one of the templates that compose those devices.


Fig. 3.19 : Device template in configuration window


  • Name (optional): Name of the node.

  • Device (required): The dojot device that will trigger the flow.

  • Status (required): Choose if devices status changes will trigger or not the flow. Device out


Device out will determine which device will have its attributes updated on dojot according to the result of the flow. Bear in mind that this node doesn’t send messages to your device, it will only update the attributes on the platform. Normally, the chosen device out is a virtual device, which is a device that exists only on dojot.


Fig. 3.20 : Device out config window


  • Name (optional): Name of the node.

  • Device (required): Select “The device that triggered the flow” will make the device that was the entry-point be the end-point of the flow. “Specific device” any chosen device wil be the output of the flow and “a device defined during the flow” will make a device that the flow selected during the execution the endpoint.

  • Source (required): Data structure that will be mapped as message to device out Actuate


Actuate node is, basically, the same thing of device out node. But, it can send messages to a real device, like telling a lamp to turn the light off and etc.


Fig. 3.21 : Actuate configuration


  • Name (optional): Name of the node.

  • Device (required): A real device on dojot

  • Source (required): Data structure that will be mapped as message to device out

3.2. Learn by examples

3.2.1. Using http node

Imagine this scenario: a device sends an username and a password, and from these attrs, the flow will request to a server an authentication token that will be sent to a virtual device that has a token attribute.


Fig. 3.22 : Flow used to explain http node

To send that request to the server, the http method should be a POST and the parameters should be within the requisition. So, in the template node, a JSON object will be assigned to a variable. The body (parameters username and password) of the requisition will be assigned to the payload key of the JSON object. And, if needed, this object can have a headers key as well.


Fig. 3.23 : Template node configuration

Then, on the http node, the Requisition field will receive the value of the object created at the template node. And, the response will be assigned to any variable, in this case, this is msg.res .


If UTF-8 String buffer is chosen in the return field, the body of the response body will be a string. If JSON object is chosen, the body will be an object.


Fig. 3.24 : Template node configuration

As seen, the response of the server is req.res and the response body can be accessed on msg.res.payload. So, the keys of the object that came on the responsy can be accessed by: msg.res.payload.key. On figure Fig. 3.25 the token that came in the response is assigned to the attribute token of the virtual device.


Fig. 3.25 : Template node configuration


Fig. 3.26 : Device out configuration

Then, the result of the flow is the attribute token of the virtual device be updated with the token that came in the response of the http request:


Fig. 3.27 : Device updated

3.2.2. Using geofence node

A good example to learn how geofence node works ia studying the flow below:


Fig. 3.28 : Flow using geofence

The geofence node named in area is set like seem in Fig. 3.29. The only thing that diffs the geofence nodes in area from out of the area is the field Filter that, in the first, is configured to only points inside and only points outside in the second, respectively.


Fig. 3.29 : Geofence node configuration

Then, if the device that is set as device in sends a messagem with a geo attribute the geofence node will evaluate the geo point acoording to its rule and if it matches the rule, the node forward the information to the next node and, if not, the execution of the branch, which has the geofence that the rule didn’t match, stops.


To geofence node work, the messege received should have a geo attribute, if not, the branches of the flow will stop at the geofence nodes.

Back to the example, if the car sends a message that he is in the marked area, like { "position": "-22.820156,-47.2682535" }, the message received in device out will be “Car is inside the marked area”, and, if it sends {"position": "0,0"} device out will receive “Car is out of the marked area”


Fig. 3.30 : Template node configuration if the car is in the marked area


Fig. 3.31 : Output in device out

3.2.3. Using cumulative sum, switch and notification node

Imagine this scenario: a device sends the level of rain, we want to generate a notification if the accumulated, sum, of the rains in the last hour is greater than 100.


Fig. 3.32 : Flow using cumulative sum, switch and notification

In the cumulative sum node, we will accumulate the value of rain (Target attribute) in the 60 minute time window (Time period) and we will set this sum in a new attribute called payload.data. attrs.rain60Min (Sum). The Timestamp setting refers to the timestamp from the device or dojot, most of the time it can be set with payload.metadata.timestamp. See more in Fig. 3.33 .


Fig. 3.33 : Cumulative sum node configuration

We want the notification to be triggered only if the accumulated rain value is greater than 100, for that we will use the switch node. As in image Fig. 3.34.


Fig. 3.34 : Switch node configuration

Now, if our value is greater than 100 we need to generate the notification, for that we will use an auxiliary node before, the template node. In the template node we will create the message that will appear in the notification and define its metadata, Fig. 3.35.


Fig. 3.35 : Template node configuration

Finally, we will configure the notification node, as in image Fig. 3.36.


Fig. 3.36 : Notification node configuration

So, if the weather station (device set in the event device node with publication checked) sends several messages like {” rain “: 5} during the last hour and one of these times the sum exceeds 100, the notification will be generated. Note: Multiple notifications can be generated, as long as the accumulated value is greater than 100. See image Fig. 3.37.


Fig. 3.37 : Notification