

iotagent-json configuration is pretty simple. The main and only configuration file is config.json, placed at the repository root directory. For instance, the default configuration file looks like:

  "mqtt": {
    "host": "mqtt",
    "port" : 1883,
    "protocolId": "MQIsdp",
    "protocolVersion": 3,
    "secure": false,
    "tls": {
      "key": "certs/iotagent.key",
      "cert": "certs/iotagent.crt",
      "ca": [ "certs/ca.crt" ],
      "version": "TLSv1_2_method"
  "broker": {
    "host": "zookeeper:2181",
    "type": "kafka",
    "subject": "device-data",
    "contextBroker": "http://data-broker"
  "device_manager": {
    "consumerOptions": {
      "kafkaHost" : "kafka:9092",
      "sessionTimeout": 15000,
      "groupId": "iotagent"
    "inputSubject": "dojot.device-manager.device"
  "tenancy": {
    "manager": "http://auth:5000",
    "subject": "dojot.tenancy",
    "consumerOptions": {
      "kafkaHost" : "kafka:9092",
      "sessionTimeout": 15000,
      "groupId": "iotagent"

There are four things to configure:

  • MQTT: where the device messages will come from.
  • MQTT Security: if used (and you should be using), these are the things that must be configured. They are related to the communication between iotagent-json and the physical device.
  • Data broker: where to send device information updates. There is support for Kafka (sending a message to every component that is interested in device updates) and for Orion (context broker from Fiware project).
  • Device manager access: how the device manager will send device notifications to iotagent (creation, update and removal).
  • Tenancy: how iotagent-json will get tenant-related information, such as which are the tenants currently configured in dojot.

Check dojot documentation if you don’t know or don’t remember all the components and how and why they communicate to each other.

Receiving messages from DeviceManager via Kafka

Messages containing device operations should be in this format:

  "event": "create",
  "meta": {
    "service": "admin"
  "data": {
    "id": "cafe",
    "attrs" : {


These messages are related to device creation, update, removal and actuation. For creation and update operations, it contains the device data model to be added or updated. For removal operation, it will contain only the device ID being removed. The actuation operation will contain all attributes previously created with their respective values.

The documentation related to this message can be found in DeviceManager Messages.

Device configuration for iotagent-json

The following device attributes are considered by iotagent-json. All these attributes are of meta type (with the exception of translator instructions, with type is meta-translator and their values are in static_value attribute property.

Table 1 Device attributes for iotagent-json
Attribute Description Example
topic Topic to which the device will publish messages. /admin/efac/attrs
topic-config Topic from which the device will accept actuation messages. /admin/efac/configuration
id-location Where can the physical device identifier be located. Check ID-location structure table.
translator Instructions to transform the message sent by the device to a simple key-value JSON structure.
  "op": "move",
  "from": "/data/Coils/e/1/bv",
  "path": "/temperature",
  "optional": true

Keep in mind that this JSON should be “stringified”, i.e., all special caracters should be escaped.

This follows the JSON patch definitions with one important difference: if the patch can’t be applied (because the message has no such attribute), the procedure won’t fail - that’s the purpose of the optional attribute. Also, check the definition of a JSON pointer to understand how to reference items inside a list.

The translator described in the table would move the value from /data/Coils/e/1/bv to /temperature, transforming the message published by the device:

  "data" : {
    "Coils" : {
      "e": [
        { "bv" : 0.5 },
        { "bv" : 27.5 }


  "temperature" : 27.5

If the device can’t be updated to send messages using the identifier specified by dojot, iotagent-json can be configured to detect whatever “physical” ID (let’s call it as physical device ID) this device has in order to properly map it to the dojot one (let’s call it dojot device ID). This configuration is done by the id-location device attribute, which is described by the table below. If none is specified, then iotagent-json will assume a default behavior, which considers the ID as the second token of MQTT topic, such as: /admin/efac/attrs with physical device ID being efac.

Table 2 ID-location structure
Attribute Description Example
type Where does the device physical ID can be found.

Possible values are:

  • mqtt-topic: The physical device ID is in MQTT topic, such as /mqtt/admin/efac/attrs
  • message-attribute: The physical device ID is somewhere in the message which will be sent from the device. An example would be:
    • {"attr1" : 10, "device-id" : "efac"}
attribute_name Which attribute has the physical device ID, if id-location is mqtt-message. device-id, for a message like {"attr1" : 10, "device-id" : "efac"}
regexp Regular expression applyied to MQTT topic or selected attribute in order to extract physical device ID. \/.*?\/(.*?)\/.* which extracts efac from /admin/efac/attrs
id The physical device ID BAFE88420 (any identifier specific to a device)
xid Any message attribute that maps directly to these device ID resolution instructions. /c/devices/mqtt/ (the topic used by all devices)

The xid attribute should be understood as “I have these instructions for locating the device ID, but I don’t know which one to use for this message - thus I’ll test the xid attribute from each one of them against it”. Currently, the xid is the MQTT topic used to publish the message.


The following message serves as an example of a device with all attributes used by iotagent-json.

  "label": "Thermometer Template",
  "attrs": [
      "label": "translator",
      "type": "meta-translator",
      "value_type": "string",
      "static_value": "{ \"op\": \"move\", \"from\": \"/data/Coils/e/1/bv\", \"path\": \"/temperature\", \"optional\": true }"
      "label": "id-location",
      "type": "meta",
      "value_type": "string",
      "static_value": "{\"xid\":\"/agent/main/000BABC80F4A/devinfo\",\"id\":\"000BABC80F4A\",\"type\":\"mqtt-topic\",\"regexp\":\"\\/.*?\\/.*?\\/(.*?)\\/.*\"}"
      "label": "topic",
      "type": "meta",
      "value_type": "string",
      "static_value": "/agent/main/000BABC80F4A/devinfo"
      "label": "topic-config",
      "type": "meta",
      "value_type": "string",
      "static_value": "/agent/main/000BABC80F4A/config"
      "label": "temperature",
      "type": "dynamic",
      "value_type": "float"
      "label": "reset",
      "type": "actuator",
      "value_type": "boolean"

For the sake of readability, below are both values for translator and id-location, with no escape characters.

  "op": "move",
  "from": "/data/Coils/e/1/bv",
  "path": "/temperature",
  "optional": true
  "xid": "/agent/main/000BABC80F4A/devinfo",
  "id": "000BABC80F4A",
  "type": "mqtt-topic",
  "regexp": "\\/.*?\\/.*?\\/(.*?)\\/.*"

These configurations indicate that:

  • The device will publish its messages to /agent/main/000BABC80F4A/devinfo topic;
  • The device will receive commands via MQTT from topic /agent/main/000BABC80F4A/config
  • Its ID is in MQTT topic, which can be extracted using the regular expression \/.*?\/.*?\/(.*?)\/.* and its ID should match 000BABC80F4A.
  • The message should be transformed from:
  "data" : {
    "Coils" : {
      "e": [
        { "bv" : 0.5 },
        { "bv" : 27.5 }


  "temperature" : 27.5
  • These instructions should be applied whenever a message to the topic /agent/main/000BABC80F4A/devinfo is received.

Sending messages to other components via Kafka

When iotagent-json receives a new message from a particular device, it must publish the new data to other components. The default subject used to publish this information is “device-data”. Check data-broker documentation to check how these subjects are translated into Kafka topics.

The message sent by iotagent-json is like this one:

  "metadata": {
    "deviceid": "efac",
    "protocol": "mqtt",
    "payload": "json"
  "attrs": {

As previously stated, the “attrs” attribute is the same as the one from DeviceManager Messages.

Receiving messages from devices via MQTT

Any message payload sent to iotagent-json must be in JSON format. Preferably, they should follow a simple key-value structure, such as:

  "speed": 100.0,
  "weight": 50.2,
  "id": "truck-001"

If not possible, you could make use of translator attributes so that you get more flexibility on device message formats.


This example uses mosquitto_pub tool, available with mosquitto_clients package. To send a message to iotagent-json via MQTT, just execute this command:

mosquitto_pub -h localhost -t /admin/efac/attrs -m '{"speed" : 10}'

This command will send the message containing one value for attribute speed. The device ID is efac. -t flag sets the topic to which this message will be published.

This command assumes that you are running iotagent-json in your machine (it also works if you use dojot’s docker-compose).