5. Load testing Dojot platform

In this tutorial, will be shown how to run a load test using the dojot’s Locust implementation.


Locust was created to work with VerneMQ. Tests with Mosca are not guaranteed to work.

5.1. Setting the environment up

First of all, you will need a running dojot environment. Check the Installation Guide for more info.

To access the Locust implementation, download the dojot repository on your machine and switch to the same version as your current environment:

git clone https://github.com/dojot/dojot.git
cd dojot
git checkout v0.8.0

Enter in Locust directory:

cd connector/mqtt/locust

5.2. Running a simple test

In this section, it will be shown how to configure and run Locust, and also how to generate certificates with the generate_certs script in order to execute the load test. This is a simple test where will be created 100 clients to send messages to dojot.

5.2.1. Configuration


Make sure to check the README included in Locust directory to learn more about the architecture and configurations. In this tutorial we will only cover the most important configurations.

Before running the tests, there must be changed some configurations in Locust docker compose files.

Open Docker/docker-compose-master.yml and change the following environment variables:

# The location of your dojot installation
# Usually it's the dojot address too (if you don't know for sure, keep the same address as dojot)
# The default MQTTS port

Open Docker/docker-compose-slave.yml and change the following environment variables:

# The location of your dojot installation
# Usually it's the dojot address too (if you don't know for sure, keep the same address as dojot)
# The default MQTTS port


We are assuming you are running the master and the slave in the same machine, i.e. in non-distributed mode. Later on will be shown how to distribute slaves between multiple machines.

Open Docker/scripts/generate_certs/docker-compose.yml and change the following environment variables:

# The location of your dojot installation

5.2.2. Generating the certificates

As said before, the communication from Locust to dojot is secure, then, it is necessary to use certificates.

There are two ways of simulating devices: you can create fake devices (will not show up in dojot’s GUI) or real devices. In this part of the tutorial, we will create real devices, so you can check the sent messages in the GUI.

Before running the script, we need to initialize the Locust master. Inside Locust repository, run:

docker-compose -f Docker/docker-compose-master.yml up

After its initialization, run the generate_certs script docker compose and enter in it:

docker-compose -f Docker/scripts/generate_certs/docker-compose.yml up -d
docker-compose -f Docker/scripts/generate_certs/docker-compose.yml exec generate-certs bash

Create the devices in dojot:

generate_certs dojot create --devices 100

You can now check that the devices are created in dojot.


Fig. 5.12 : Some of the devices that generate_certs created in dojot.


Fig. 5.13 : The template used by generate_certs to create devices.

Generate the certificates for them:

generate_certs cert --dojot

The certificates are exported to the cert directory. Now the test can be initialized!

5.2.3. Initializing the slaves

Locust master does nothing by itself. The one who does all the work of sending requests is the Locust slave container. Initialize it by running:

docker-compose -f Docker/docker-compose-slave.yml up

You should see a message in the Locust master log saying that one slave has connected to him.

5.2.4. Running the test

You are all set to begin the test. To run it, you need to access the Locust interface in your browser in localhost:8089 (supposing you are running Locust master in localhost).

Type 100 in Number of users to simulate, 10 in Hatch rate and click in Start swarming. This tells Locust to run 100 clients, creating 10 of them per second.


Fig. 5.14 : Configuring Locust to run the clients.

The default configuration is for every client to send a message each 30 seconds, so you’ll have to wait a moment for the messages to arrive at dojot.


Fig. 5.15 : Locust statistics after running for a few minutes.

You can go to dojot and see that the messages are arriving there.


Fig. 5.16 : An example device receiving messages.

5.3. Running a distributed test

For small tests, the forementioned procedure might be sufficient, but if you really want to force dojot, you might encounter some barriers when using only one slave and/or one machine. As a solution for this problem, Locust has a distributed mode, permitting you to initialize multiple slaves in multiple machines, limiting Locust performance to the amount of processing power (and budget!) you got.

We are going to use two virtual machines to run 4 slaves (2 in each VM) and 1 master (in one of them) to create 1,000 fake devices. We will refer to the machine with the master as primary and the other as secondary.


There is no correlation between the chosen numbers: the amount of clients that each slave supports depends on various variables, such as the number of available CPU cores.


We advice you to run 1 slave per CPU core you have in the machine, i.e. if you have a VM with 4 CPUs, run 4 slaves.

5.3.1. Configuration for the distributed case

Before running the tests, there must be changes to be made in some Locust docker compose files. Note that you must clone the dojot repository in each machine that you will use for Locust.


Since the configurations can be the same for the slaves and the generate_certs script, you can share them between machines by using sshfs. Assuming you are in the Locust directory in the secondary machine, run the following command:

sshfs -o allow_other -o nonempty <user>@<ip>:/path/to/dojot/connector/mqtt/locust/Docker Docker

Check the sshfs documentation for more details.

Open Docker/docker-compose-master.yml in the primary machine and change the following environment variables:

# The location of your dojot installation
# Usually it's the dojot address too (if you don't know for sure, keep the same address as dojot)
# The default MQTTS port

Open Docker/docker-compose-slave.yml and change the following environment variables:

# The location of your dojot installation
# Usually it's the dojot address too (if you don't know for sure, keep the same address as dojot)
# The default MQTTS port

# If it's in the same machine as the master, you can leave as it is
LOCUST_MASTER_HOST: "locust-master"

# If it's in the same machine as the master, you can leave as it is
REDIS_HOST: "redis"
# Change to 6380 if the master is in another machine
REDIS_PORT: "6379"

Open Docker/scripts/generate_certs/docker-compose.yml and change the following environment variables:

# The location of your dojot installation

# If it's in the same machine as the master, you can leave as it is
REDIS_HOST: "redis"
# Change to 6380 if the master is in another machine
REDIS_PORT: "6379"

As you can see, the configurations have changed a little bit, with the changes being only about the master and Redis location.

5.3.2. Generating certificates

In this part of the tutorial, we will create fake devices that, unlike in the simple test, won’t appear in dojot GUI.

Before running the script, we need to initialize the Locust master. Inside Locust directory in your primary machine, run:

docker-compose -f Docker/docker-compose-master.yml up

After its initialization, initialize the docker compose generate_certs script in the primary machine and enter in it:

docker-compose -f Docker/scripts/generate_certs/docker-compose.yml up -d
docker-compose -f Docker/scripts/generate_certs/docker-compose.yml exec generate-certs bash

Create the certificates:

generate_certs cert --devices 1000


The fake devices are simulated as certificates.

Now go to your secondary machine, initialize the generate_certs and inside it, run:

generate_certs redis --export

Since the certificates are stored in Redis, you can simply export them with the shown command in any machine, preventing the tedious job of copying in each VM the cert directory with the certificates.

5.3.3. Slave initialization

Run in your primary and secondary machines:

docker-compose -f Docker/docker-compose-slave.yml up --scale locust-slave=2

This command creates two Locust slave containers in each machine. You should see in the Locust master log a message for each slave that connects to it.

5.3.4. Running the distributed test

We are all set to begin the test. To run it, you need to access the Locust interface in your browser in the Locust master location, e.g.: localhost:8089.

Type 1000 in Number of users to simulate, 10 in Hatch rate and click in Start swarming. This tells Locust to run 1,000 clients, creating 10 of them per second.


Fig. 5.17 : Configuring Locust to run the clients.


Fig. 5.18 : Locust statistics after running for a few minutes.

5.4. Using Grafana’s Locust dashboard

The Locust web interface is easy and simple to use, but there are some downsides. The major one is the persistence: The history data will be deleted as soon as you close or refresh the page.

To solve this problem, we chose to add the Locust Exporter image to the master docker compose file, allowing us to export all of its metrics in a Prometheus-compatible format. That way we can persist this information in Prometheus and centralize all the dashboards in Grafana. Unfortunately, we still need the Locust web interface to initialize tests.


Since the Grafana/Prometheus stack is available only in the Kubernetes installation, this part is not applicable to docker compose installations. We encourage you to check the Installation Guide for more information on dojot’s installation methods.

5.4.1. Ansible configuration

You need to decide where your Locust master will be beforehand to be able to initialize the Ansible playbook. The Ansible configurations that you need to change to link Locust Exporter to Prometheus are:

dojot_enable_locust_exporter: true

Change the IP to the Locust master one and run the playbook. Now you can initialize a (distributed or not) test as shown in the previous sections and you should see the Locust data being sent to Grafana’s Locust dashboard.


Fig. 5.19 : Locust statistics in Grafana - before beginning the test.


Fig. 5.20 : Locust statistics in Grafana - after the test has begun.

5.5. Requisites for a 100,000 clients test

Now that you know how to run distributed tests using Locust, you are able to execute a 100,000 clients test. For this, you will need a lot of computational power and multiple machines, both for dojot and for Locust. The goal is to reach 100,000 simultaneous MQTTS connections with a rate of ~3,333 RPS (for both publish and receive), i.e. a message each 30 seconds for each connected client.

Since this is only a special case of the distributed test, we will only cover the specifications and some tips for the test, since the procedure to configure it is the same as we’ve already done.


As you might already know, this test is only possible in the Kubernetes installation of dojot.

5.5.1. Hardware specifications

For dojot platform:

Machine name

Hosted services




VerneMQ, K2V and V2K




VerneMQ, K2V and V2K




VerneMQ, K2V and V2K




x509 identity manager




Kafka and Zookeeper




The rest of the services




Load balancer



For Locust, we will use 5 replicas of the same machine, with 14GB of RAM and 9 CPUs.

5.5.2. General tips for the test

  • Ansible has the 100k tag to prepare the environment for a 100,000 clients test. It runs a minified version of dojot without some services. This was made because not all services are ready yet to support such a load.

  • By sharing a persistent volume between EJBCA pods, you can scale them up to increase the certificate creation throughput.

  • The certificate creation can be distributed between all the Locust machines. In our example - with 5 Locust machines - we can generate 20,000 certificates in each machine. This can greatly increase the certificate throughput if EJBCA has been scaled too.

  • After generating the certificates, make sure that all machines have all the certificates. You can export them by running generate_certs redis --export inside generate_certs container.

  • To check the number of certificates, run:

    ls cert | wc -l

    The returned value should be 200,003. This number includes a key and a certificate for each device, the CA certificate and the renew and revoke directories.

  • It is strongly recommended to run one slave per CPU core, totalizing 45 slaves in this example.

  • Since the Locust web interface does not persist any data, use Grafana’s Locust dashboard to keep track of your test. Check the previous section for more info on how to configure the Locust exporter.

  • You can also run the test with revoke and renew. Check the repository’s README for more configurations’ details.