6. Installation Guide

This page contains information about how to deploy dojot using Docker compose and Kubernetes.

6.1. Hardware requirements

The estimated hardware requirements for 500 devices with updates every 15s are:

Table 6.1 Hardware requirements for 500 devices
Deployment   CPU RAM Free disk space
Docker-compose   4 Cores 4GB 10GB
Kubernetes Master 2 Cores 2GB 2GB
Kubernetes Worker 4 Cores 4GB 10GB

In addition, you need:

  • Network access
  • The following ports should be opened:
    • TCP: 8000 (web interface access); 1883 (MQTT, If you are going to use MQTT); 5896 (LW2M, If you are going to use LW2M file server via HTTP instead of coap, UDP).
    • TLS: 8883 (MQTTS, If you are going to use MQTT with TLS, in secure mode.).
    • UDP: 5683 and 5693 (LW2M, If you are going to use LW2M); 5684 and 5694 (LW2M, If you are going to use LW2M with DTLS).

Note: The above cores are approximately 3.5 GHz (x86-64)

6.2. Docker compose

In this video tutorial above, version v0.4.2 is used, but the same video is valid for the current version, it is only necessary to change to version v0.4.3.

This document provides instructions on how to create a trivial deployment environment on single host for dojot, using docker-compose as the processes orchestration platform.

While very simple, this deployment option is best suited to development and assessment of the platform and should not be used for production environments.

This guide has been checked on an Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04 LTS environment.

The following sections describe all Docker compose dependencies.

6.2.1. Docker engine

Up to date information and installation procedures for the docker engine can be found at the project’s documentation:



An optional step on the installation and configuration process of docker on any given machine is the setting of who is eligible for creating/spawning docker instances.

Should the post-installation steps (more specifically the “Manage docker as non-root user”) have not been run, all docker and docker-compose commands should be run by the super user (root), or as sudo.


6.2.2. Docker Compose

Up to date information and installation procedures for the docker-compose can be found at the project’s documentation:


6.2.3. Installation

To setup the environment, merely clone the deployment repository and run the commands below.

The docker-compose enabled deployment scripts and configuration repository can be found at:


or as git clone command::

git clone https://github.com/dojot/docker-compose.git
# Let's move into the repo - all commands in this page should be executed
# inside it.
cd docker-compose

Once the repository is properly cloned, select the version to be used by checking out the appropriate tag (do notice that the tagname has to be replaced):

# Must be run from within the deployment repo

git checkout tag_name -b branch_name

For instance:

git checkout v0.4.3 -b v0.4.3

That done, the environment can be brought up by:

# Must be run from the root of the deployment repo.
# May need sudo to work: sudo docker-compose up -d
docker-compose up -d

To check individual container status, docker’s commands may be used, for instance:

# Shows the list of currently running containers, along with individual info
docker ps

# Shows the list of all configured containers, along with individual info
docker ps -a


All docker, docker-compose commands may need sudo to work.

To allow non-root users to manage docker, please check docker’s documentation:


6.2.4. Usage

The web interface is available at http://localhost:8000. The user is admin and the password is admin. You also can interact with platform using the Components and APIs.

Read the Using API interface and Using web interface for more information about how to interact with the platform.

6.3. Kubernetes

In this video tutorial above, version v0.4.2 is used, but the same video is valid for the current version, it is only necessary to change to version v0.4.3

This section provides instructions on how to create a dojot deployment on a multi-node environment, using Kubernetes as the orchestration platform.

This deployment option when properly configured can be used for creating production environments.

The following sections describe all dependencies and steps required for this deployment.

6.3.1. Kubernetes Cluster

For this guide it is advised that you already have a working K8s cluster.

If you need to build a Kubernetes cluster from scratch, up to date information and installation procedures can be found at Kubernetes setup documentation.

6.3.2. Kubernetes Requirements

  • The Kubernetes supported version is between v1.11 and v1.15 .
  • Access to Docker Hub repositories
  • (optional) a storage class that will be used for persistent storage

6.3.3. dojot Deployment

To deploy dojot to Kubernetes it is advised the use of ansible playbooks developed for dojot. The playbooks and all the related code can be found on the repository Ansible dojot.

The following steps will describe how to use this repository and its playbooks. 1. Cloning the repository

The first deployment step is cloning the repository. To do so, execute the command:

git clone -b v0.4.3 https://github.com/dojot/ansible-dojot 2. Installing dependencies

The next step is installing the dependencies for running the ansible playbook, this dependencies include ansible itself with other modules that will be used to parse templates and communicate with kubernetes.

Enter the folder where the repository was downloaded and install the pip packages with the following commands:

cd ansible-dojot
pip install -r requirements.txt 3. Configuring the inventory

For deploying kubernetes with ansible, it is necessary to model your desired environment on an ansible inventory.

In the repository there is an ‘inventory’ folder containing an example inventory called ‘example_local’ that can be used as the starting point to creating the real environment inventory.

The first file that requires changes is the hosts.yaml. This file describes the nodes that will be accessed by ansible to perform the deployment. As the dojot deployment is done directly to K8s, only a node with access to the kubernetes cluster is actually required.

The node that will access the cluster might be a kubernetes cluster node that is accessible via SSH or event your local machine if it can reach the kubernetes cluster with a configuration file.

On the example file, the access is done via a local node, where the ansible script is executed. This node is described as localhost in the hosts item of the group all.

These same nodes must be added as children of the group dojot-k8s.

To configure a local access on the hosts file, follow the example below:

      ansible_connection: local
      ansible_python.version.major: 3

To configure remote access via ssh to a node of the cluster, follow this other example:

      ansible_host: NODE_IP

The next step is configuring the mandatory and optional variables required for deploying dojot.

There is a document describing each of the variables that can be configured at Ansible dojot variables.

This variables must be set for the group ‘dojot-k8s’, to do so set their values on the file dojot.yaml on the folder ‘group_vars/dojot-k8s/ 4. Executing the deployment playbook

Now that the inventory is set, the next step is executing the deployment playbook.

To do so, run the following command:

ansible-playbook -K -k -i inventories/YOUR_INVENTORY deploy.yaml

Wait for the playbook execution to finish without errors. 5. Accessing the deployed dojot environment

Dojot access will be set using NodePorts, to view the proper ports to access the environment it is necessary to check service configuration.

kubectl get service -n dojot kong iotagent-mosca

This command will return the port used for external access to both the REST API and GUI via kong and the MQTT port via iotagent-mosca.