Installation Guide

This page contains information about how to deploy dojot using Docker compose. Kubernetes and Google Cloud Platform support is on track to be implemented.

Installation - Docker compose

This document provides instructions on how to create a trivial deployment environment on single host for dojot, using docker-compose as the processes orchestration platform.

While very simple, this deployment option is best suited to development and assessment of the platform and should not be used for production environments.

This guide has been checked on an Ubuntu 16.04 LTS environment.


This setup has two software requirements docker engine and docker-compose.

Docker engine

Up to date information and installation procedures for the docker engine can be found at the project’s documentation:


An optional step on the installation and configuration process of docker on any given machine is the setting of who is eligible for creating/spawning docker instances.

Should the post-installation steps (more specifically the “Manage docker as non-root user”) have not been run, all docker and docker-compose commands should be run by the super user (root), or as sudo.

Docker Compose

Up to date information and installation procedures for the docker-compose can be found at the project’s documentation:


To setup the environment, merely clone the deployment repository and run the commands below.

The docker-compose enabled deployment scripts and configuration repository can be found at:

or as git clone command::

git clone
# Let's move into the repo - all commands in this page should be executed
# inside it.
cd docker-compose

Once the repository is properly cloned, select the version to be used by checking out the appropriate tag (do notice that the tagname has to be replaced):

# Must be run from within the deployment repo

git checkout tag_name

For instance:

git checkout 0.1.0-dojot

Or if you’re brave enough:

git checkout master

That done, the environment can be brought up by:

# Must be run from the root of the deployment repo.
# May need sudo to work: sudo docker-compose up -d
docker-compose up -d

To check individual container status, docker’s commands may be used, for instance:

# Shows the list of currently running containers, along with individual info
docker ps

# Shows the list of all configured containers, along with individual info
docker ps -a


All docker, docker-compose commands may need sudo to work.

To allow non-root users to manage docker, please check docker’s documentation:


The web interface is available at http://localhost:8000. The user is admin and the password is admin. You also can interact with platform using the REST API.

Read the User Guide for more information about how to interact with the platform.